Rubber Stamps & Supplies

    €14.75 €11.99

Rubber Stamps

Every business has a need and a purpose for having rubber stamps. Whether you use a stamp to mark documents with instructions like Copy or to mark mail for postage recommendations like First Class or Air Mail, rubber stamps are extremely useful to stay organised within your organisation.

Currently, there are so many options available for different styles of stamps, different operational phrases, and even custom stamps, that it may be hard to determine exactly what you need.

Please take a look below at the different categories and types of rubber stamps we have available for your business.

Types of Rubber Ink Stamps

The rubber stamps section is split into three main categories. Those categories are Bespoke Stamps, Ready Made Stamps, and Stamp Pads & Ink.

Each category has many different stamp products. Let us take a closer look at what types of products are located within each of the three categories.

Bespoke Stamps

This first category of Bespoke Stamps is filled with numerous custom self-inking stamps. Some of the stamps are as simple as just the date, and/or date and time. Some come with tweezers and a few sheets of custom lettering so you may add one or two lines of text with the date and time.

The other custom self-inking stamps that do not include the date and time have two distinct characteristics. They are both custom, however, one is DIY and the other is mail-order.

  • DIY: The DIY custom stamps come in various sizes and allow for anywhere from two lines of text to six or even eight lines of text. These DIY stamps come with tweezers and a few sheets of lettering for you to create your personalized and custom text and message.

  • Mail-Order: The mail-order custom stamps again vary in size and number of text lines, however, this time you send us the custom lines of text, and we will create the stamp for you. Text lines range from two lines to eight lines of custom text. Please allow a 14-day turnaround for the creation and manufacturing of your custom self-inking stamp.

Also included in this category is also a custom embossing press. The shim is 40mm in diameter with space for a logo in the middle and a maximum of 26-characters around the edge. Use this to press your logo into paper up to 90gsm in paperweight or thickness.

All the stamps in the Bespoke Stamps category are rated to have ink that will last thousands of impressions. Some are rated even up to 20,000 impressions. Inkpad replacements are available for purchase as well.

Ready-Made Stamps

In the Ready-Made Stamps category, we have a selection of numbering stamps, some automatic, some manual. The numbering stamps come in a few different options for the number of characters.

In addition to the numbering stamps, you will find stamps with pre-determined phrases that are commonly used in an office or warehouse setting. Those phrases include:

  • PAID



  • COPY


  • PAID – with a dial to include a date.












Aside from these phrases, you will also find a few random stamps with motivational phrases and logos. Browse the category to find exactly what you need for your office or warehouse.

Stamp Pads & Ink

The last category of Stamp Pads & Ink is pretty straight forward. In this category, you will find ink pads in various coloured inks for stand-alone rubber stamps. Also, you find all the replacement inks and ink pads you will need for every product mentioned in the first two categories of Bespoke Stamps and Ready-Made Stamps.

Order a few replacement inks and ink pads right away with the initial purchase of your stamp to have a backstock available.

Ready to Purchase One of the Above-Mentioned Sets of Inking Stamps?

We have every type of rubber stamp that you could ever need for any office or warehouse situation. From date and time stamps to stamps that provide instruction for internal operations like Copy, Scanned, Confidential, and Urgent, you should have no problem finding what you need.

And, if you cannot find what you need in the Ready-Made section, then go with one of our many custom rubber stamps and create your own stamp for whatever your internal operations may dictate.